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NEMISIG (North East Music Information Special Interest Group) is a yearly informal meeting for Music Information Retrieval researchers who work at the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and music. NEMISIG gathers researchers from the Northeastern United States and provides a space for open discussion of new ideas and intends to foster intercollegiate collaboration. Previous NEMISIGs have been hosted at Columbia (2008, 2014), NYU (2010), Drexel (2011, 2016), Dartmouth (2012), The Echo Nest (2013), Ithaca College (2015), the University of Rochester (2017), and Brown University (2018).

Register here by February 4, 2019. There is no cost to register, but you must register to attend so that we can plan accordingly.

If you have any questions, please email the Google Group! You may also wish to join the group.


This year, NEMISIG will be in Brooklyn, NY at Brooklyn College, February 9, 2019. It is co-hosted by Michael Mandel of the department of Computer and Information Science and Johanna Devaney of the Conservatory of Music. It will be held in the Brooklyn College library.

NEMISIG 2019 is supported by the Brooklyn College Department of Computer and Information Science and School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences.

Brooklyn College Library - image from Wikipedia user Beyond My Ken

Schedule: Saturday, Feburary 9

Morning in the Woody Tanger Auditorium within the Brooklyn College library

Breakfast / coffee / check-in (Library Room 411)
Welcome – Michael Mandel - slides (Woody Tanger Auditorium)
Overview lab talks (Woody Tanger Auditorium)
  • 11:15 – Brian McFee - slides (NYU)
  • 11:30 – Zhiyao Duan - slides (University of Rochester)
  • 11:45 – Chris Tralie - slides (John’s Hopkins University)
  • 12:00 – Douglas Turnbull - slides (Ithaca College)
  • 12:15 – Johanna Devaney - slides (Brooklyn College)
  • 12:30 – Youngmoo Kim - slides (Drexel University, ExCITe Center)
Lunch (Library room 411)


Posters (Library room 411)
  • Shaun Barry and Youngmoo Kim, “InfoWaveGAN: Informative Latent Spaces for Waveform Generation”
  • Stephen Carrow, Chris Rogers, Andrea Wang, and Yassine Kadiri, “Deep Multi-Modal Content-User Embeddings for Music Recommendation”
  • Andy Wiggins and Youngmoo E. Kim, “Automatic Guitar Tablature Transcription with Convolutional Neural Networks”
  • Dzmitry Kasinets and Michael I Mandel, “Concatenative Resynthesis for Extracting Bass Parts from Songs”
  • Christodoulos Benetatos and Zhiyao Duan, “Towards human-machine real-time music improvisation”
  • Elizabeth Mendoza, “Synthetizing Training Data for Automatic Detection and Classification of Bird Songs”
  • Vincent Lostanlen, “Sparsity bounds in rhythmic tiling canons”
  • Tim Clerico, Daniel Akimchuk, Doug Turnbull, “Localify: Exploring Local Music Event Recommendation and Playlist Creation on Spotify”
Coffee + Unconference planning (Library room 411)
Unconference session 1
  • Room 411: Generative and realtime neural synthesis
  • Room 241: Intro to MIR
  • Room 242: Lyric transcription
Unconference session 2
  • Room 411: Graphs and topology
  • Room 241: Unsupervised and self-supervised learning + deep learning vs feature detection and modeling
  • Room 242: Multimodal models
  • Auditorium: Software and tools and data
Unconference recap and closing remarks – Johanna Devaney (Woody Tanger Auditorium)

Local Map

Map of campus viewed from Flatbush Ave side. The Library is building 13.

Campus Map of Brooklyn College

About Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College is located in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn. It is a microcosm of the ethnically rich borough of Brooklyn it serves, with its 18,000 students coming from 139 countries and speaking 103 different languages. In 2018, US News and World Report ranked Brooklyn College as the #1 most diverse Regional University in the North and the Chronicle of Higher Education ranked Brooklyn College among the top 10 four-year public U.S. colleges with the highest student-mobility rates. The college comprises 13 buildings on a 35-acre, tree-lined campus. The Princeton Review consistently cites the college’s “gorgeous” yet still urban campus as one of its major draws. Brooklyn College is one of the Senior Colleges of the City University of New York (CUNY).

Brooklyn College lily pond, may look different in Feburary

Travel and Accommodations

Getting to Brooklyn College

Staying near Brooklyn College

Most hotels with reasonable subway access to Brooklyn College are located in Downtown Brooklyn, Crown Heights, or Park Slope.

AirBnBs are also an option, priced around $50 for a room and $100 for a whole apartment.